Contemporary print making provides photographs a much longer life, tantamount to even oil paintings. Consequently I am very interested in this medium as a viable art form. "PhotoArt"
Photography development goes back to 1960, and we've been building on that ever since. Three books of photography have been published and are listed along with other image categories. We did live art shows for a long time but that became too rigorous so here we are on the internet. Enjoy our work. When you open a section (panel of subjects on the left), click on an image you like, then click on it again and it will enlarge to 5" x 7".
Images displayed here are reduced in quality so as to be displayed on the internet. Approximately by 50%.
If you want a special size let us know and we will make it happen for you.
All Images are finished with a backing of foamcore, or for a completed image as Canvas Gallery Wraps, or frames of metal or wood. Glass is optional, but because photo finishes do the job that glass used to do, our studio shows without.